Opening Doors For Taking A Leadership Role

Knowing the difference between a public administrator and a leader can be confusing. Not knowing the difference has put people in roles where they could not thrive. The belief that one’s intuitive knowledge is enough to lead is self-misleading. Leadership is more of a personal job while a public administrator does a more non-personal job. A leader imposes the peoples will by being the one harnessing their aspirations. The harnessing process requires them to have productive responses to what is said, agreed or happens. The public administrator is supposed to be the manager for the interests of those that are already in a voting bloc or authorized group. AI as the leader can find and apply data evidence to help fix the unequal access to power question, and can separate a person's opinions, theories, beliefs, and advice from the actual first party witness account of what happened. AI technologies can bring maximum utility of citizen input, the technology must be employed so that it can prove its leadership ability. Defining the metrics for what the AI models can achieve is raising accountability for engaging and organizing. AI can organize around the firsthand account of what happened from the time closest to when it happened. AI can incorporate the first party narratological component into organizing, defining problems, and improving solutions. AI has the inherent ability to keep the individual input in context while making it simultaneously scalable for organized engagement.


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