How Mate3 Expands Individual Intellectual Property

The mate3 network itself is an Intellectual Property, (IP) is a legal term that refers to creations of the mind. (IP) includes words, phrases, symbols, designs etc...   The (IP) law does not cover ideas and information; but it does cover the form or way in which they are expressed. The mate3 network method is a branded formatting and connecting process for firsthand 3 answer sets. The process handles the answers in such a way that the method itself transforms the 3 answers into granulates that can be layered. The pooling of answers from those with firsthand experience and those that give mate3 qualifying responses creates a balancing of qualified narratives. The mate3 format transforms the answers into answers that are simplified to being auditable. When the first parties use mate3 they are in essence becoming a protected witness to their personal experience. Under U.S. law each citizen has a right to authorize their witness statement and that statement becomes a protected part of free speech and an authorized biography. 


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