Foundational Benefits Of A Mate3 Subscription With AI

The subscriber gets faster responses to their firsthand 3-answers about what’s happened. The subscriber gets thousands of networkers that are willing and able to offer productive responses based on 3 answers. The possible options and potential solutions are greatly expanded with mate3 networking. The ultimate benefit when it comes to problem solving, organizing and advocacy is agreeing on the who, where, what, when and how on the front-end. What mate3 offers is important because we’ve learned how to supply some of the best responses and options to 3 firsthand answers. The network is a personal empowerment accessory. A tool that can match firsthand experiences to advocates, stakeholders and problem solvers. The options and responses that the network suggests are coming from a diverse network of affiliates doing practical organizing work on the front line.  When you pre-register to send your 3 answers to the mate3 network you get more and faster responses to your 3 firsthand answers. What mate3 offers is important to the individual as well as those who care about them. The mate3 network users are learning that mate3 formatted firsthand answers get 20X+ better and faster responses. With AI every aspect of what we already do is being enhanced.


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