Harnessing Individual Energy For Organizing People

Harnessing energy is essential to our way of life. We’re already harnessing energy from coal, oil, gas, water and the sun. Over time we got better at refining and managing energy processing. Harnessing the aspirations that people have decided for themselves is energy caused by firsthand experiences, hopes, fears and goals. The will and intentions of the individual and their changing beliefs is the central place to find human energy. Reliable harnessing of the energy of the affected person requires a beforehand communication relationship. The helpers and sympathizers of affected persons can be organized to offer productive responses. The responses that are in place include the front-end mutual agreement to have communication. When firsthand accounts of what happened are brought forth, they can be processed for connecting to reach maximum use. The energy created by a single mate3 answer set can attract, inspire and confirm. When we implement an organized handling process for receiving incoming firsthand accounts of what happened, we increase available energy. The increased energy reinforces the chain of custody for authorized and formatted 1st party input, which is shown to increase civic engagement.


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