
Why We Use The Mate3 Network

There are no unnecessary meetings or time spent explaining why what happened, happened. We can start an advocacy service upon receiving your firsthand answers to 3 questions, plus we’re working 24/7. We’ve made getting advocacy help more accessible to more people. By using our 3-answer format to connect and get organized responses, we’ve made a model that can self-improve with use. Because we can duplicate and scale up what we do for more people for less cost and are only using 30% of our growing service capacity, we have a higher probability of being in place to serve for the long-term. Our experience is at harnessing and connecting 3 firsthand answers from large numbers of people. The mate3 format is a breakthrough that has removed more of the risk in having a communication relationship.

The Right Food For Young AI

A lot of potential being seen in AI is based on the slow churned data from platforms that put the information from others on the internet. When you think about the information diet of AI going forward, it brings us to the question of where the diet goes from here. This is where the AI model trainers come into play. The trainers are like the parents of a child being molded to be an asset as opposed to a liability. Most of today’s data is contextualized and formatted by the various enterprises where individuals willfully provided their data. Tomorrow’s data will be a lot more curated and made specifically to feed the continuing growth of AI. Artificial data contextualized by machines as opposed to the traditional way is the investor hope. The value to the investor hope has been and will continue to depend on AI being able to use unauthorized data and firsthand accounts of what happened. AI is not a baby anymore he’s a teenager and can’t do outside what he could do in the protection of th

AI Can help Harness Individual Energy For Organizing People

Harnessing energy is essential to our way of life. We’re already harnessing energy from coal, oil, gas, water and the sun. Over time we got better at refining and managing energy processing. Harnessing the aspirations that people have decided for themselves is energy caused by firsthand experiences, hopes, fears and goals. The will and intentions of the individual and their changing beliefs is the central place to find human energy. Reliable harnessing of the energy of the affected person requires a beforehand communication relationship. The helpers and sympathizers of affected persons can be organized to offer productive responses. The responses that are in place include the front-end mutual agreement to have communication. When firsthand accounts of what happened are brought forth, they can be processed for connecting to reach maximum use. The energy created by a single mate3 answer set can attract, inspire and confirm. When we implement an organized handling process when receiving i

Bringing Citizen Power Back Home

The practice of leaving out the pre-existing firsthand experiences that are related to the discussions and hearings is absurd. Most Americans believe that the victims and stakeholders should be considered before final conclusions. As the person having a firsthand experience that I report, I should be considered at the meeting or hearing by my report and not my 2-minute public hearing.  All citizens should expect that what happened to them earlier would be considered when a meeting or hearing is held. As close to the moment the experience happened is the time to preserve the firsthand account(s) of what is said to have happened. Learning from experiences is how we discover the best practices to go forward. If for some reason, we do not preserve the evidence in the words of the impacted person, we help to diminish the public knowledge.

The Affected People Are Demanding Better

The problem is institutional distrust, rampant misinterpretations, false allegations, and truth replacement practices as it relates to what happened. The building of trust in communication now requires front end agreement before organized trust in communications can be triggered. The mate3 network has learned that the chain of custody for firsthand accounts of what happened matters a lot more today. The mate3 network is a step-by-step communication method that sets up mutually acceptable rules for receiving, formatting, engaging, and responding to the first party experience. The network 3-answer format lets us scale up each citizen’s ability to input, know and respond to their chosen firsthand 3-answer-sets in real time. Since 2015 the mate3 network has been adding context to incoming 1st party accounts of what happened. Having a front-end mutual agreement on who and how to communicate about what is a necessary factor. Organized communication starts with the account of what is said to

They’re Broken & Wilding For Short-Term Fixes

Public advocacy and leadership continue to be in a crisis. The clear reason for the crisis is jumping out at every step. No matter the metric you use the organizing in too many communities is short sighted. There’s an old saying “Let the weak compete for a bucket of wheat and never let them get on their feet.” The quote is followed by an interesting description of how to have the appearance of control and ownership without having a fraction. So today, we have two questions starting with can we build long-term organizing on the energy of anger? And do we allow organizers to pop up and say they’re standing for someone who has not given them permission?

Use 3 Answers To Better Network What Happened

  We help internet connected sources provide productive responses to three answers. The work we do is called Assistive Computing; the work is formatting firsthand accounts of what happened into three answers. The three answers are used to find, define, advocate and solve problems. The work of mate3 formatters is essential to bringing maximum options and benefits to those that can provide three firsthand experience-based answers. The formatters are adding the firsthand accounts of what happened for use to find best targeted responses.  Mate3 is harnessing and formatting firsthand accounts of what happened to better attract the most productive responses.